Energiestro: Innovative and Low-Cost Flywheel Storage Technology
Energiestro was founded in 2001. Their initial project was to develop an innovative generator, incorporating flywheel energy storage, capable of supplying...
L’ambiente che ci circonda è l’unica nostra ricchezza. Preservarlo è una priorità assoluta.
Energiestro was founded in 2001. Their initial project was to develop an innovative generator, incorporating flywheel energy storage, capable of supplying...
Founded in 2014, EnerBee is an industrial startup based in France and specialized in motion-based energy harvesters. The company is the...
Forse non tutti sanno che in Giappone, su un'isola artificiale a 5 km dalla terra ferma, giace una delle infrastrutture più ambiziosa di...
A location inspired Darwin and his unique and revolutionary theory about the species evolution: the famous Galapagos Islands - Ecuador. In...
Un luogo ha ispirato Darwin e la sua teoria unica e rivoluzionaria sull'evoluzione delle specie: le famosissime Isole Galapagos -...
Few days ago Legambiente (Environmental Italian Organization) published a report called 11 Islands in Transition towards 100% Renewable Energy. The...
Pochi giorni fa Legambiente ha pubblicato un dossier: 11 Isole in Transizione verso 100% Rinnovabili. Il record mondiale spetta alla piccola...
Presentation Last article continued the description of House Jasmina, a unique example of a connected apartment with open-source ideals, promoted...
Presentation Last article introduced the basic concepts of House Jasmina, a unique example of a connected apartment with open-source ideals,...
Presentation Lorenzo Rubino - CuE On June 6th 2015, the doors opened in House Jasmina, a unique example of a connected...