Categories: Ambiente

Clean and pure air with Airlite

Urban pollution is a big trouble that affects all the biggest cities around the world. Everyday we hear about new data collected in our cities which describe an alarming situation for environment and for people’s health. From one hand we can try to reduce the rate of pollutants’ emissions in mobility as well as energy’s generation; from the other hand we can conceive new products which can eliminate air pollution and turn smog into clean air.

We have already talked about AirInk, which produce ink from smog or The Breath, a material able to absorb pollutants. Today we present the paint Airlite.

The air-purifier paint: Airlite

Airlite is an organic paint, water based, suitable for interior or exterior. Airlite can transform the pollutants into  inert particles through chemical reactions. Indeed, the paint uses photocatalysis with titanium bioxide to realize oxidant reactions with air pollutants.  Airlite has been developed by Advanced Materials, an Italian startup part of AM Technology. Airlite neutralizes pollutants like nitrogen oxides NOx and solfur oxides SOx up to 88.8% in laboratory and to 55% in real applications. Airlite eliminates nitrogen bioxide through oxidation in water-soluble nitrites and nitrates which can be literally washed away from rain.

Not only againts smog…

Airlite helps keep your house healthy by eliminating mould and bacteria. Airlite can eliminate up to 99,9% of bacteria thanks to superficial oxidation and the high alkalinity level of the surface. These features create a bad environment for bacteria’s growth. Airlite attracts water molecules in the air to create an invisible, protective film on the wall that blocks dirt and dust from attaching. Moreover, Airlite is 100 % natural and truly VOC free, so it can be employed also indoor.

Airlite against bacteria

Energy saving

Airlite can help us in energy saving, cutting cooling costs by up to 50%. Airlite reduces the amount of solar heat absorbed by buildings, thereby reducing air-conditioning energy costs between 15%-50% and lowering the associated CO2 emissions.

Read more about Airlite here.


Nica Conenna

Laureata magistrale in Ingegneria Elettrica al PoliBa e autrice per #EnergyCuE da settembre 2016. Prima esperienza lavorativa in R&D&I nell'ambito della gestione della rete elettrica. Approfondisco i temi inerenti il sistema elettrico e le tecnologie innovative per incrementarne la flessibilità e la controllabilità. Sono una persona determinata e sempre attenta a tutte le novità!

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