Categories: EnergyEN

Costa Rica, world leader in renewable!

A few week ago we talked about the virtuous week of the Chinese province of Qinghai. For 7 days, 6 million of people had been using electrical energy produced by wind, sun and hydroelectric. If you think that one week isn’t too much, in Costa Rica a new record was reached. In the last years, the “green” Costa Rica made us all dream with its stunning consumption of electrical energy obtained from renewable resources.

In 2015 Costa Rica was fed by renewable energy for 299 days, in 2016 for “just” 271 days and in 2017 for 300 days. What’s the goal? Becoming carbon neutral by 2021.

Guinness world record’s consumption!

Costa Rica managed to satisfy the electric power demand of its 4,8 millions of inhabitants using “green” energy. The Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE) which manages and controls the electric power and telecommunication system of the country developed the data provided by the Centro Nacional de Control de Energìa (CENCE). The reasult is that from the 1st January from the 17th November Costa Rica had only consumed renewable energy. The global energy production during this period has been of almost 9864 GWh.

The energy mix of 2017 has been:78,26% hydroelectric, 10,29% wind, 10,23% geothermic, 0,84% solar and biomass e 0,38% thermal electric plants fed by fossil fuel. The wind power production reached the record value of 1015 GWh, thanks to the 16 wind farm in the country.

The energy mix of Costa Rica in 2017

Let’s discover the energy mix of 2016:

The energy mix of Costa Rica in 2016

Good intentions for the future…

Costa Rica’s goal is to diventare carbon neutral by 2021. In order to achieve this objective, the government is introducing tax incentives for electric vehicles. Moreover, in the entire country will be developed a national grid for the charge of vehicles. This measures are necessaries because a lot of the cars driven in Costa Rica are petrol vehicles. There is still another project Costa Rica is leading. Last November an agreement was signed between the government and KLM, national Dutch flag carrier. The agreement started a series of studies about innovative bio fuel for flights departing from Costa Rica, in order to minimize the CO2 emissions.

Nica Conenna

Laureata magistrale in Ingegneria Elettrica al PoliBa e autrice per #EnergyCuE da settembre 2016. Prima esperienza lavorativa in R&D&I nell'ambito della gestione della rete elettrica. Approfondisco i temi inerenti il sistema elettrico e le tecnologie innovative per incrementarne la flessibilità e la controllabilità. Sono una persona determinata e sempre attenta a tutte le novità!

Published by
Nica Conenna

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